Please check the FAQs below to see if your question has already been answered. If it hasn’t, then please ask your question in the FAQ form below.
What is the HHA difference?
The HHA difference is the level of self-empowerment and growth possible due to the variety of the courses, the flexibility of online classes and the holistic understanding of a whole human being. In addition, our multi-cultural approach, that focuses on integration rather than compartmentalization, provides a safe harbour for self development.
One hour with a therapist every week is often not enough to get the results we need or want. Intensive long term therapy may be cost and time prohibitive. We may need more to do more consistent work than what we do via therapy alone. Going for meditation retreats and workshops is a wonderful adjunct but it also means taking time out from other commitments and that may not be a practical or consistent option. When you become a member of HHA, you commit to supporting your growth and self development.
Who is HHA meant for?
HHA is meant for people who want to know who they are and develop their emotional and happiness intelligence. It is also meant for people who want to explore the strength that spirituality can give them. HHA is open for everyone who wants to know more about their humanity and their divine spark. That includes proactive organizations who want to build their organizational resilience and individuals who want to access holistic tools to become more self aware and resilient in the face of constant change.
What is the mission of this organization?
The mission of the organization is to promote, educate and empower holistic mental health awareness among individuals and proactive organizations.
Do you collaborate with other specialists?
Yes, absolutely, when our values and mission coincide with the values and mission of other specialists and organizations.
How do I contact customer support?
Emails are available on every course page, in case you have specific questions about the course. Otherwise, you can contact us by filling out the form on our Contact page.
What is the difference between courses and programs?
Programs include course materials, group interaction on live video and, in some cases, one on one sessions with Saima. Courses are stand alone and can be taken on their own. Each course has a group with questions and responses from current and previous students. Courses also include badges and rewards as you work through them.
What kind of courses would benefit me?
HHA offers a variety of quizzes and assessment tools to help clients determine what can help them reach happiness. While we firmly believe all of our courses and programs will help you reach happiness, you may enjoy using our assessment quiz to determine where you should start.
Do you offer any special deals or discounts?
We offer free trial periods for memberships, that entitle you to try out a few courses before you commit. During the initial launch period, memberships are available at a special discount for members. Members who complete courses earn rewards that entitle them to special gifts that are not available elsewhere!
What do I get in a course?
The details of each course are listed in the course description. In general, you get videos, worksheets (pdf or word documents) and audio files. You retain access to the course as long as you have a profile on the website.
Can I request a refund?
When you purchase after the trial period, refunds are not possible.
30 day or 60 day holds are possible for memberships. See our membership page for further details.
What should I say to family & friends as I work through HHA coursework?
Friends and family are usually interested in our well being. Having said that they may or may not be able to help, because they may not be able to understand your psychological processing or they may not be aware of holistic approaches to mental well being. If you mention that you are working on self development and self improvement, and/or specific needs e.g., quiet time, that generally helps your family provide more support and understanding. To have support while you process, HHA provides a community.
What kind of scientific, anecdotal, experiential, or cultural evidence does each course provide?
In every course, there is a resources section that mentions the background or sources of the information.
What do I get in a program?
In addition to videos, audios and documents, you also get live group and one on one sessions, depending on the type of program. Specific program details are available on the program listing. Programs open for enrollment once or twice a year.
Who is Saima and what are her beliefs?
Please see our Meet Saima page to learn more about Saima Shah.
Can I interview Saima?
Yes, please Contact us if your goals, values and aspirations are in alignment with the mission of HHA, which is to promote, educate and empower mental health awareness among individuals and organizations.
Will you write a guest post for my website?
Please send the details of your request to Contact .
How can I contact Saima for a speaking event, workshop, or specific question?
To connect with Saima about a speaking event, custom workshop, or specific question, please use the form on our Contact page.
Can I write a post for HHA?
Please contact Contact us with the details of your request.
Still have questions?
Use the form below to ask your question. We’ll respond within 2-3 days & may even add it to the FAQ lists on this page!