Life is a maze of choices. On any given day you have a 100 choices on what you can potentially do with that day.
Making choices opens up a path of possibilities and connections. Sometimes the smallest of choices lead to large consequences. A small choice like buying a lottery ticket could potentially change someone’s life. A choice to lose 20 pounds could also create some change.
These are the kind of questions that the mind asks. Spirituality however is different. Spirituality is about the inner experience rather than the outer. It is about feeling what you are feeling, in truth. It is about not having any barriers between yourself and yourself. It is about the willingness to be vulnerable. To go to the place where there is energy.
There is no benefit on the spiritual path, whether you win the lottery ticket or not win the lottery ticket. There is no value to losing 20 pounds or not losing it, because wherever you go, there you are. No matter what your external situation, your inner experience will be the same, unless you change. Thus the spiritual path isn’t set by external circumstances, but by an inner radar or life lessons.
Change in the inner landscape is real change. It is the master code through which we experience the world.
Otherwise we can have everything and it makes no difference in how we feel. Or we can change one thing inside and it can change how we feel every day. Life is, therefore a struggle for some who may be a millionaire, because that is his inner programming or a walk in the park for him, because that is his inner programming.
In either case, the results in the external world may be the same. He or she can do the same amount of work, have a similar job, but in one case, the inner experience is happiness, and in another discontent.
Which would you chose? A life of unhappy struggling or happy struggling?
Struggle is part of the journey but unhappiness doesn’t have to be. Unhappiness eats people up from inside. Even though they may have everything, that one thing that is missing can lead to a heavy burden.
That’s why following your bliss is so important. Just do what you love and let the path unfold.
The right path is the path with the heart. No other path can lead to success as fast as the path with the heart. It may not be the easy path. It may mean taking more responsibility. It may mean giving up something that you also like, because life isn’t a formula. If it were just as simple as doing what you love will lead you to everything that you could possibly want, then we would all follow that formula. For every outstanding externally validated success, there are many unrecognized ones.
But, the outcome isn’t in your hands in any case, whether you choose to follow your bliss or not. For many people this is the greatest obstacle….their need for an outcome or success formula can mean never really following their heart. That’s a bit sad, because it shows that they don’t trust happiness. They have not mastered the shadow side. The shadow side is everyone’s lot in life. We bring it from past traumas and the only way to overcome the shadow is to accept your greatest fear/s. Then the shadow starts to work with you, not against you.
It may not be easy to feel all the feelings that the shadow sends your way, but navigating through the waves of fear and despair is the only way home.
What happens if I fail?
Of course you will fail, there is no if about it. You get up and try again.
What if I never find what I am looking for?
Enjoy the view. Life is too interesting to obsess over what you want. Before you are properly here, it feels like it is time to go! Old people in hospices will tell you just how fast it really was. Enjoy the journey.
What is truly permanent in life? what can we build our life around?
Nothing. Life is constant change. The good news is that things change. We can, enjoy it, just the way it is. Its imperfection is the adventure we really need because life gives us what we need, not what we want.
How can I be successful?
By forgetting about success or failure and focusing on doing what you love to do.
Trust and faith are naive. Isn’t there a less vulnerable way?