Have you wondered why you chose to be born?
We are here for soul development or to learn important curriculum. This is a school of Earth.
Your curriculum or life lessons are the experiences that your soul signs up for during a lifetime. We usually have 1-2 major experiences/lessons.
The reason why you chose a certain experience could astound you, because it might challenge the assumption that you are born and you die. Until you are completely aware of the depth of the reason why you chose birth on Earth, your life may not make complete sense. Have you ever been in a situation, where your mind was saying no, but your heart said yes? That’s a typical sign of not being fully aware of why YOU chose this experience. Heart-mind conflict is a sign of not being in alignment, in fact a part of you is resisting the experience that your heart wants. Guess what happens when we resist it? It persists! This is because we live in a duality, between the spiritual world and the material world, often torn between the two,— until we integrate our whole awareness and realize our higher purpose.
Knowing why we are here is essential to the kind of vibration we send out. Often we hide this deep knowledge from ourselves, because it is almost bizarre to think, ‘but I chose misery?’ And we may not understand why, unless someone gives us a spiritual framework that helps liberate us.
We attract circumstances, jobs, relationships that help us work on our chosen lessons for our life. Some of us choose more than one lesson, and that means a heavier load or Karma for one life.
Here are major themes for the Earth’s curriculum:
- To experience lack and financial struggle. The need to feel lack may be so great that some people win the lottery, but blow it away in a very short time indeed! There is something (a belief, an inner knowing) in the struggle for abundance that you need to transcend. You chose to feel the lack, because there is something that your soul wants to learn in that struggle. Perhaps you need to see that you can make it on your own. When you let go of the ‘why’ something happened (why me?) you can see what is happening at the soul level.
- To experience physical ill-health. Many people find that after they get over the emotional trauma and negative response to ill-health, health issues can force us listen to our heart and prioritize what we truly want in our lives. At the soul level, the choice could have been to experience the struggle and limitation of not being able to do something.
- To understand love. Love in the spirit world is very abundant, it is all love, and some of us want to know what it is like to be separate from that love. Some of us have a struggle when it comes to finding love and giving/or receiving love. This is a major reason why many of us choose single lives. We want to understand how to love ourselves and feel comfortable with the vulnerability of trusting and loving another person.
- To experience loss. Many people are born in order to understand what it is like to feel grief and loss. They may have everything, an enviable life, but for the grief of loss. Some of the most incredible souls choose this experience. This can be the grief of the loss of a child or other loved ones. They are so affected that they may never feel okay again and may even develop health issues because of it, until they learn how to access their inner wisdom and love something that is eternal and unchanging.
- To understand how to take charge of your life purpose. Many people have unrealistic ideas that there will be another time to do what they are here to do. They may be habitual procrastinators, postponing into the future endlessly. They may never feel quite ready to take on the world. It is important to realize that this is it—we are never quite perfect, never totally ready. Life comes and goes in a wave, and there is no better time than the present to do something that your soul wants and go for it. Life may deliver a big shock to get them to get moving already!
Do you see yourself in any of the top five reasons why people may choose to be born on Earth?
An appropriate spiritual practice helps you know how your soul may be working on a different agenda compared to the ego, that may be limited or ignorant in its understanding of who you are. It isn’t spiritual to be a fatalist. Therefore, wise people suggest choosing the middle path. Instead of fighting yourself (soul and ego are both part of you) develop a compassionate relationship with yourself, where you notice both what your heart wants and what your ego wants. With this perspective you can stay in the middle, balancing the ego’s need for acknowledgement with the soul’s desire to learn more curriculum i.e., transcend human limits.
If we don’t integrate or individuate i.e., actively pursuing a spiritual path, life still forces us to take notice sooner or later. For example, the person who is always waiting for a better time to act, may be forced to act because of societal pressure or suddenly losing their job. It may be wiser to reach for your dreams, rather than to wait!
Deep down we all know what we need to do, the hard part is listening.
Comments and questions can be directed to me. I’d love to here about what you think and what your top concerns are about living a life of purpose, love, abundance and happiness. Of course you can have it all:)
Blessings on the path!