Attachments, entities and spirits

Someone asked, ‘so, do you believe in all this superstitious stuff like attachments, spirits, entities etc?
I don’t believe in it. Let’s put it this way. Do you believe in a tree or do you see it? Our conscious mind is logical and operates in a 3d world. Our unconscious mind is a whole world in itself that operates beyond time and operates just behind our everyday awareness. It is a stream of consciousness, mythology and imagination. It is as ‘real’ as our conscious mind, except that its experience is our private experience.

How can I change my family’s values?

People give other people unnecessary suffering. They do this out of ignorance according the Buddha. If they knew more, they would not give suffering. Therefore, since the problem is ignorance, which is the human condition, the way out of the problem is compassion. When we practice compassion, it transforms our suffering. When we see the whole impact of our behaviour, through being mindful– we strive not to give suffering, thereby reducing our own quota of suffering. If we all do this, then the amount of suffering in the world collectively will diminish. It will end violence and hunger.