Sometimes I overwhelm people by saying or showing, ‘I Love You.’ I believe that the best prayer or meditation is, “I Love You.”
More conservative people–especially, I think feel a bit confused, with all this love business. People, unless they are raised by single women, are very wary of emotional stuff. My son had to live with me, so he can take all this with incredible elan.
In the relationship I’ve heard that, when a woman says ‘I love you’, a man feels almost guilty or responsible, as if she will now need something from him.
But, spiritualists talk about love with great ease–what is the difference between this love and ‘that’ love, someone asked me. I believe that both kinds of love are love, but there is another sense for ‘I love you’, other than the somewhat guilty love between men and women in relationship.
We transform the energy between two people to the highest vibration, when we say I love you. We become calmer and more willing to co-operate. When we rely on love as the bridge between two people, we effectively drop the anxiety related to self image. There is no more fear of expression, it is simply a statement of the love that is already here. Of course it should be felt. When it is a trite or meaningless statement it is useless.
When I say I love you, I mean: I see your soul and you are worthy of love.
In a match of vulnerability, men sometimes come out second. Women can be more vulnerable, and therefore are often stronger emotionally–unless they suppress their feminine side. Love, after all, is an expression of extreme vulnerability.
When someone says, ‘I love you,’ to another person—whether he is a friend, a mentor, a relative etc., she has just told him, you cannot give me more than what I have already. She has also effectively said, ‘You are worthy of my love.’
I say ‘I love you’ to many many people, because that’s what being a spiritual teacher is about—we spiritualists are here to love. That’s how it was always with me. My best friend of 30 years told me that when she first met me, she just couldn’t get over how much love I would pass out for free. She’d say, ‘I thought you were mad when we first met at 16 and I have no idea how we are still friends, but somehow we are friends to this day.’ Maybe I wasn’t mad, but in a world where love is given grudgingly, or not at all, to ensure that children stay obedient, I must have appeared quite strange.
I know that by being love, I show tremendous strength. I know it silences a lot of people, because people don’t know what to do with this much love beaming at them. I’ve learnt to go a bit slow, o heck—I lie, I can never learn the ways of Earth!.
My happiest moments are when the love comes back. When someone posts a comment, “we love you Saima Shah” and that someone is a friend I knew 25 years ago, or someone texts me ‘I love you,’ for no reason, I feel very happy to share their light of love.
But, why do I want to say I love you? Why do I want to hear I love you? Because, just imagine it!. What if all your friends texted, ‘I love you’ on facebook, phone and everywhere. I sometimes just visit a friend for 2 minutes to give and receive that magical elixir that flows between hearts. Imagine the joy we’d all feel….:) giddy? Like on cloud 9. Of course, we’d have to open the heart enough to receive this love, without judging it! Our mind is the only demon we must tame to live in love instead of fear. I think that these three words can completely heal our hearts.
Life should be lived–like a gigantic celebration, where love is the light at the centre of the heart. We don’t know when we will go, so why waste time on ego?. Just say I love you as much as you can. Start with yourself. Say it to yourself in the mirror. Look at those wise beautiful eyes that show your soul, then slowly say ‘I love you’ 3 times.
When your heart is lit with the candle of love, tip it over into another person’s heart and tell them, ‘I love you.’ If we all do this, the light can be spread to the whole world.